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Hi Strangers! Site Update Coming Soon + Upcoming Open Studios Event!

Spring City Mill Studios Open Studios Event, May 3-4, 2025

Hi, y'all! 2024 was a crazy roller coaster of a year (in a good way). In February 2024, Kent and I packed up our belongings and moved to Germantown (Philly), where we stayed until October. In October, we moved in with Will and Virgil (his cat), which was very exciting! By now we are all settled in, and all is well, for the most part.

In other more art-related news: I started renting a new studio space in January 2025! It's only 10 minutes from our home, in Spring City, PA, and the studio building is hosting an arts festival/open studio event on May 3-4, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. During this event, I and many of the other artists in the building will open our studios to our family members, friends, and the public!

See the flyer above for details, but I'll also past them below.

What: Spring Arts Festival/Open Studios Event

Where: Spring City Mill Studios, 20 E. Bridge St., Spring City, PA

When: May 3-4, 2025, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Logistics: The studio building has a huge parking area, with general parking to the right, and there are some handicap spaces available directly in front of the building. I'm on the second floor, in #204. To get there, walk through the door to the right after you enter the building and either take the stairs to the second floor or use the freight elevator. There are instructions on how to use the elevator posted on the wall.

Bring: Yourselves, your friends, or anyone who might be interested! Please feel free to pass along the flyer.

Lastly, I'll be updating my site with recent works soon, so stay tuned.

2024 Calendar Is Sold Out!

2024 Calendar, art by Jess Barnett

2024 calendar; art by Jess Barnett

The 2024 art calendar has sold out! Thanks to everyone who made a purchase.

Want to be notified when the 2025 calendar is posted for sale? Contact me here, and I'll add you to the mailing list.

Below are a few sneak peeks from the 2024 calendar. Enjoy!

2022 Calendar Sold Out!

2022 calendar by Jess Barnett

My 2022 calendars have sold out! Thanks to all those who ordered one. Enjoy!

The Ink Making Hath Begun

Pokeberry Ink Result, Jess Barnett

New project alert!

After being given the book Make Ink: A Forager's Guide to Natural Inkmaking, I began experimenting with making my own ink and been having a blast trying out different plants. To check out my results, visit the Ink Experiments section. I'll continue posting there as I try my hand at making new inks!

2023 Calendars Sold Out!

2023 Calendar, Jess Barnett

I sold out of my 2023 calendar orders (two); thanks to everyone who bought one!

Next up, as promised: t-shirts and prints. They're on their way!

I've also realized that my website is very out of date. I will be uploading more paintings that I completed in 2022 into that section of the website soon.

In other news, I have four paintings hanging and for sale at Pompanoosuc Mills in downtown Concord, NH. Please stop by and see them if you're in the area!

Solo Show at Winston Gallery (MA) 3/1-3/31, with Reception 3/19, 5-9 p.m.

Jess Barnett039s quotContentmentquot at Winston Gallery, New Bedford, MA, 31-331 Reception 319, 5-9 p.m.

This is an exciting month for me: It's the month of the solo show of my series titled Contentment, happening at Winston Gallery in New Bedford, MA! The paintings went up on 2/27 and will be hanging through 3/31. The reception will be held 5-9 p.m. on Saturday, 3/19; the event is free! The gallery is within the Kilburn Mill in New Bedford, at 127 W Rodney French Blvd., and is generally open Monday-Friday, 6-9 p.m. The Contentment series features mostly new work, except for one or two older pieces, and the paintings and exhibition description will be posted on my website after 3/31 (see preview photo below!).

If you'd like to RSVP to the reception (which I highly encourage!), you can visit the Facebook event page and RSVP there. Please forward to anyone who might be interested.

Open Studio Event, Sun., Jan. 30, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Upcoming open studio event, 1/30, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 4 Park St., Suite 216, Concord, NH

I'm relocating my studio from downtown Concord to the third floor of my condo and am having an open studio event on Sun., Jan. 30, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. (rescheduled due to the storm from Sat.)! Please come! My studio is at 4 Park St., Suite 216, Concord, NH (across from the State House). See the flyer for details. Hope to see you there! Please wear a mask.

"Summer Haze" Show and Reception a Success!

Glass artist Karen Mehos standing in front of her glass bowl, with the rest of quotSummer Hazequot in the background.

A big thank you to the artists who were able to attend the Summer Haze reception, and thanks so much as well to all who made it to the event! So many people, many blasts from the past, and some painting and small works sales - it was a great night.

The Concord Hippo also wrote up a nice piece about the event. Photos from the reception and show are located here. I hope to have another exhibition sometime in spring or summer 2022.

"Summer Haze" In-Person Reception to Be Held 8/13, 7-8:30 p.m., with FREE Art for All Attendees

Josei Natsu Kimono Lady039s Summer Kimono, Kathy Bouchard

Pictured: Josei Natsu Kimono (Lady's Summer Kimono), Kathy Bouchard

The reception for the Summer Haze group art exhibition will be held in person, AND every attendee will get a FREE small mystery piece of art in a gift bag! The event is happening Friday, August 13, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the studio (4 Park St., Suite 216 [second floor], Concord, NH 03301). Most of the artists will be attending, and all are welcome to join us. The reception is free, and light refreshments will be served. The Facebook event is here; I encourage you to RSVP if you're interested in attending. The exhibition will be hanging from August 6, 2021, to September 3, 2021. If you can't make the reception but want to see the show, please email me through my contact page to schedule a time.

Looking forward to the show!

"Violet Current" in its New Home!

Violet Current in New Home

I love seeing my pieces in their new homes!

Thanks to Michael for sending me photos of Violet Current, which he bought recently.

New 2021 Pieces!

Lilac Season by Jess Barnett

It's been a very busy year so far, what with my new copy editing business up and running full-time and my imminent condo closing (Friday!), but I finally finished a couple of new pieces and framed an older, much loved piece. You can see details at the links! Composition I is ready for purchase; I will have the purchase links for Lilac Season and Ash Wednesday soon.

First Group Art Exhibition: August 6-September 3, 2021

quotSummer Haze,quot Group Art Exhibition at Jess Barnett Art Studio
The first group art exhibition at the studio will be happening this summer, from August 6 to September 3, 2021! A live or virtual (Zoom) art reception will be held on Friday, August 13, 7-8:30 p.m. Whether the reception is virtual or in person will be determined in early July; I am hoping it will be in person, but that depends on whether it is safe (due to COVID-19). The exhibition will be titled "Summer Haze." Full details on how to enter and more info about the exhibition are here. All entries are due Wednesday, June 30. I look forward to seeing your entries!

New Small Works!

Inscribed I and II by Jess Barnett

I've added some brand-new small works to the Small Works and Prints section of my site! More coming soon. Enjoy!

2021 Calendars Now for Sale

Jess Barnett 2021 calendar

2021 calendars featuring my art are now for sale! They are $25 each with shipping included. You can PayPal me at jesskbarnett at gmail dot com, Venmo me at @Jess-Barnett-2, or email me directly (jesskbarnett at gmail dot com) to get my address to send a check for the amount there. Please include your name and mailing address. Or to purchase one online, click here.

"Full Bleed" in Dallas Metro Arts Contemporary Exhibition

Full Bleed by Jess Barnett

My painting Full Bleed has been accepted into the Modern Art National exhibition at Dallas Metro Arts Contemporary! The exhibition runs from December 15, 2020, to January 9, 2021.

Exhibition Up at West Acton Villageworks through 1/22/2021

Jess Barnett at Wellness at Villageworks
If you're in/near Acton, MA, please stop by to see my art at West Acton Villageworks, 525 Mass Ave.! The works will be hanging through January 22, 2021. Here's some information about the show. All of the works except one piece are for sale.

Studio Open Saturday, 10/17

At the Cliff039s Edge by Jess Barnett
I've missed my studio visitors! I will be open this Saturday, Oct. 17, between 4 and 6 p.m. I hope to see you (please wear a mask) in the studio!

Online Exhibition: Touchy Feely at Gallery 263

Violet Current by Jess Barnett
Galleries are closed to the public due to COVID-19, but many are still having online exhibitions. One of my pieces, Violet Current, is in an online exhibition at Gallery 263 in Cambridge, MA. You can check out the exhibition here.

Lots of New Pieces!

New Pieces February 2020 - The Emerald City by Jess Barnett

Lots of new pieces! Here's the piece above, titled The Emerald City. There are lots more in the "2020 Works" gallery - go check it out! Thanks for looking!

Calendars and Coasters Now on Sale at HOME by Stamm & Black

Coasters and Calendars by Jess Barnett
Exciting news! My coasters and calendar are now being sold at HOME by Stamm & Black, at 525 Massachusetts Ave. in Acton, MA. You can also purchase them online here (coasters) and here (calendar).

2020 Calendars Still Available!

2020 calendar by Jess Barnett

I created a calendar featuring 12 of my works (six pictured here; there are six more) as a Christmas gift, and people liked it... so I'm now offering it for sale online! These are in limited stock, so buy soon. The link to purchase is here.

New Piece in Time for Valentine's Day!

Sidereal by Jess Barnett

I never said I wasn't sentimental ... Check out my latest piece, which I created based around learning a new word: sidereal. The piece incorporates various media and a dictionary page clipping that defines the word. The painting features a heart created with acrylic ink and many layers of spray paint, pastels, colored pencils, and eyeshadow.

And just FYI:

  1. of or with respect to the distant stars (i.e. the constellations or fixed stars, not the sun or planets).

Two New Ink Works: Singular I and II

Singular I and II by Jess Barnett

I have two new works for sale on my site, Singular I and II. Go here for info on Singular I and here for info on Singular II. The pieces can also be bought together.

Two Upcoming Group Exhibitions

O Saisons, O Chateaux by Jess Barnett

Two of my paintings will be in upcoming exhibitions! My piece Ô Saisons, Ô Châteaux will be hanging in the MIXMASTER @ the Matt show at the Mattatuck Museum from January 12 to February 23; additionally, Horsehead will be hanging in the Energy exhibition at ArtSpace Maynard from January 15 through February 21. The Mattatuck reception will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. on Sunday, January 12, and the ArtSpace reception will be Saturday, January 18, from 5 to 7 p.m. If you're in the area, please come!

Reminder: Studio-Warming/Opening Reception THIS coming Saturday!

Come to My Studio-Warming Party, Dec. 21, from 5 to 730 p.m.
The opening of my gallery is this coming Saturday, December 21, from 5 to 7:30! PLEASE COME. All are invited and welcome. Food and drinks will be served. Come take in the art and celebrate the opening of my new studio with me! I am located at 4 Park St., Suite 216, in Concord, NH.

New Series: Ocean Study

Ocean Study 1 and 2 by Jess Barnett

I've begun a new ink series! It's titled Ocean Study. You can see more about the series here.

More from the "Still Winter" Series Up for Sale

Still Winter series by Jess Barnett

Pieces #3 and #4 from my Still Winter series are now for sale (the first two sold out quickly)! Buy one of them at $65 or both at $120. Shipping is FREE. Go here for more info.

Studio-Warming/Holiday Party - You're Invited!

Studio-warming party at Jess Barnett039s studio, Dec. 21 from 5 to 730 p.m.
I'm having a studio-warming/holiday party! Please come.
When: Saturday, December 21, from 5 to 7:30 p.m.

Where: My studio, 4 Park St., Suite 216, Concord 03301

Bring: yourself!

Painting for Sale Through Laconia, NH, Children's Auction!

Fall Prairie by Jess Barnett

My painting Fall Prairie will be for sale during the 38th annual Children's Auction in Laconia, NH, from December 3 to 7! The auction's mission is as follows: "Our mission is to engage the community to financially support children in need with a vision to ensure that every child is empowered to succeed and positively impact a thriving Greater Lakes Region community."

For more information about the piece, click here. For details about the auction and how to bid, please click here. The Facebook page about the event is here. Happy bidding!

New Painting with Detail Shots: Northern Lights

Northern Lights by Jess Barnett

This one came together pretty easily, and unlike with a lot of my paintings, I knew the title before the piece was even done! Enjoy. Click the link here to learn more.

New Ink Pieces for Sale

Still Winter 1 and 2 by Jess Barnett

My Still Winter #1 and #2 series is now for sale! Buy one of them at $60 or both at $110. Shipping is $5. Go here for more info.

"The Emperor's Dream" Is Now Available!

The Emperor039s Dream by Jess Barnett

The Emperor's Dream is now available! I agonized over where to go next many times with this piece... If you're interested, click on over here. Frame coming soon.

New Painting: "Ô Saisons, Ô Châteaux" - UPDATED: SOLD

Ocirc Saisons, Ocirc Chacircteaux by Jess Barnett

This one took me a while, and I'm extremely happy with the way it turned out. This piece was inspired by the Arthur Rimbaud poem of the same name. The French words I used within the piece translate to:

I made a magical study
Of inescapable Bliss.

Size: 18" x 24"; Media: spray paint, acrylic ink, pastels, eyeshadow, watercolor, and colored pencils. Part of the Dying Star series.

Update: This piece has been sold!

Artwork Now Featured at HOME by Stamm & Black

Jess Barnett at HOME by Stamm amp Black, interior design store

Exciting news: Six of my pieces are now hanging at HOME by Stamm & Black, an interior design and retail store on Massachusetts Ave in Acton, MA. If you’re interested in purchasing one of these works, stop in at the store or contact them here. This is a very exciting new adventure for me, and I’m thrilled for this opportunity!

In other news, I've been painting like crazy ... as usual! Please check them out here. Enjoy!

Finally, starting in November, I will be helping teach an art class at Belknap County Sheriffs' Department (the county jail) with Kathryn Field. This is something I've dreamed of doing for quite a while, and it's sure to be quite the adventure. At the end of the program in August 2020, there will be an art show of works created by prisoners during the program as well as works by Kathryn and me. More details about the program to come!

Rent One of My Art Prints at

Did you know there's a way to "rent" art? Just as Netflix used to send out DVDs, TurningArt mails out art prints that you can rent for a month or for however long you want! Please check out my page on the site!

Acrylic and Pokeberry Ink Pieces for Sale

I finished some new original works made with acrylic ink and pokeberry ink, and they are up for sale on my site! Visit the gallery Ink and Pokeberry Works and scroll through to see each piece. Each is $35, with free shipping (for all U.S. states except Hawaii and Alaska). Please check them out!

Buy My Cards at Fifty Home

Exciting news: Printed cards in selected designs of mine are now available at Fifty Home in Concord, NH. If you live in the area, stop in and pick up one or two. Supplies, as always with prints, are limited.

Art (Me) & Music (Petridisch, Dave Seidel, Triangle Theory) @ Lilypad, October 8!

This show is coming up SOON! (in less than 2 weeks!) Please come.
Check the event link at and RSVP here.

This Week's Art News: Album Cover, Art/Music Show in Oct., New Pieces Up for Sale, and More

Lots of news!

  1. I am BEYOND excited to be included in Petridisch’s and the Triangle Theory’s upcoming show on October 8 at the Lilypad in Somerville! PLEASE COME! There will be an art reception before the live music, and I'll be showing the painting that Cody Maillet is using for his Triangle Theory release. The Facebook event link is here. Can't wait for this!
  2. The album cover painting is finished! See the photo above and the ones below for detail shots of it.
  3. Horsehead and Speed of Light (below), both pieces from the Dying Star series, are now available for purchase online. Click here to view Horsehead and here to view Speed of Light. Bloodlines, a departure from Dying Star, is also available here.
  4. My collage card class has been rescheduled for September 14 at 2 p.m. Sign up online at Artistic Roots' page!

Thanks for looking!

Shockboxx Reception Featuring "Violaine" Next Saturday

Hi everybody! The reception for the Shockboxx show (which my painting Violaine is in) is next Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m. in Hermosa Beach, CA (click on link for more info). If you're in the area, please stop by to see my piece and all the other great ones in the show! Wish I could make it myself, but I'll be trapped on the East Coast.
The painting of mine that will be hanging in the show is here.

Lots of News! New Exhibition, New Pieces, PayPal Buttons, and More!

Some big August news:
1. My piece Violaine has been accepted into a September-October show called the Shockboxx Project in California! I'll be shipping the piece out in early September for inclusion in the show.
2. My friend Thor Maillet of Petridisch is using prints of several of my pieces in an upcoming limited edition cassette release. The show promoting the release is happening on October 8 at the Lilypad in Somerville, MA. Two sneak peeks are below:
3. I'm now up and running at Artistic Roots in Plymouth, NH. Stop by the location at 73 Main St. to view or buy some work!
4. I have finished some new pieces! Enjoy.
Horsehead, inspired by the Horsehead Nebula, 16" x 20", part of the Dying Star series
Tangerine, 19.5" x 25.5" (framed)
5. Lastly, selected works are now for sale on my website! If you see a PayPal "Buy Now" button on a page, the piece is for sale. Please email me directly if you have any questions about purchasing.

Art Reception This Thursday, Plus Sales and New Pieces

I recently finished two new pieces: one titled Heartbreaker (above), which is part of the Dying Star series, and the other titled The Haze of July Flowers. Enjoy!

The Haze of July Flowers

Also, the reception for the art exhibition I'm participating in through August 31 in Amherst, MA, is this coming Thursday, August 1. Click here to view the info.

Also, I recently sold two pieces: Poppies, part of the Dying Star series, which you can see hanging in its new owner's home below; and Albumin, which is currently hanging at Gallery A3 in Amherst, MA.

Carry on with summer!

New Piece: Nebulous

I just finished this new piece, and it's already spoken for!

Information: Title: Nebulous; size: 16" x 20"; media: acrylic paint, acrylic ink, spray paint, watercolor, gouache, eyeshadow, pastels, colored pencils, and thread

Artistic Roots, NEW: Teaching Class on Collage, & Link to Gallery A3 Art Reception

Three updates:

  1. I will be exhibiting as a full-time member of the artists' coop Artistic Roots in Plymouth, NH, as of August 1! I am thrilled about this opportunity, especially as I may actually get to teach some classes (most likely on the topic of collage). This is really a dream come true for me, and it should also hopefully open the door there to more abstract artists.
  2. I am teaching a class on collage at Artistic Roots on Friday, August 16, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. For more details and/or to sign up, click here.
  3. The reception for the exhibition titled Sky Bowl at Gallery A3 that I'll be participating in through August is Thursday, August 1, from 5 to 8 p.m. (click here for the Facebook event and to RSVP). The gallery is located in Amherst, MA. Please stop by if you are in the area! And if you aren't available that night, my painting Albumin (above) will be hanging in the show there through August.

Art News! (New Pieces, Wellness Exhibition Photos, Et Al.)

It's been a very busy and fruitful couple of months for me! Long paragraphs make me tired, so here are the bullet points:

  1. My exhibition titled Awakening is still up at Wellness at Villageworks in Acton, MA, and has been extended through early October. Stop if you're in the area! Click here to see some photos of the works hanging in the exhibition.
  2. My piece Albumin was chosen for Gallery A3's 6th annual juried show, this year titled "Sky Bowl." It will be hanging along with the other artists' works from August 1 to 31. Gallery A3 is in Amherst, MA. The reception will be held on August 1, from 5 to 8 p.m. (link to the show is here).
  3. I will be showing a solo exhibition titled Awaken (notice a theme here?) at 42 Maple Contemporary Art Center in Bethlehem, NH, in May 2020! More details on that to come.
  4. Last but not least, I have been painting up a storm! The piece above, titled Violaine, is part of a new series that I am working on. I have already sold two out of the pieces I've created thus far from the series. I hope to exhibit it somewhere this fall or winter. I also continue to create smaller pieces made from small canvases and card stock. Visit my Etsy site to view/buy.

Thanks for reading, and more news soon!