Concord, NH
"Summer Haze": First Group Art Exhibition at Jess Barnett Art Studio
Jess Barnett Art Studio
4 Park St., Suite 216 Concord, NH 03301 USA
Website: Jess Barnett Art Studio

“They drove down Dame Street. The street was busy with unusual traffic, loud with the horns of motorists and the gongs of impatient tram-drivers. Near the Bank Segouin drew up and Jimmy and his friend alighted. A little knot of people collected on the footpath to pay homage to the snorting motor. The party was to dine together that evening in Segouin's hote and, meanwhile, Jimmy and his friend, who was staying with him, were to go home to dress. The car steered out slowly for Grafton Street while the two young men pushed their way through the knot of gazers. They walked northward with a curious feeling of disappointment in the exercise, while the city hung its pale globes of light above them in a haze of summer evening." — from Dubliners by James Joyce
“It was a lovely, calm Montana summer evening, a Saturday night after a long weekend of softball. The full moon rose blazing over Mount Sentinel, outlining the maw of the Hellgate Canyon with silver fire. A streak of summer haze like a line of blood lay across the moon's idiot face. The motel's pool lights were reduced to dim glows. The hot tub shimmered around us like a pot of silver. The early August afternoon had been as hot as a fiddler's bitch, and a molten slice of sunset still glowed with a hot golden flame along the jagged edge of the western horizon, but the early evening air had cooled quickly enough to draw vaporous swirls of steam from the heated water. The rising moon seemed to muffle the night for a moment. The only sounds were faint — the hiss of traffic over the Clark Fork bridge, the soft paddles from a gaggle of children in the pool, the romantic whispers of two young blond girls in oversized softball shirts leaning into each other, and the brazen chuckles squirting out of a coven of young men brewing drunken plots of disorder and early sorrow at a poolside table.” — from The Right Madness by James Crumley
What does “summer haze” mean to you?
New England artists (those from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) were invited to submit 1-2 works for consideration for this group exhibition with the theme “Summer Haze.” This group art show was open to 2D artists, 3D artists, and photographers. Types of 2D work accepted: book/paper art, digital art, paintings, drawings, collage, encaustic, fiber art, textiles, mixed media, photography, and print making.
Jess Barnett Art Studio is a small gallery and art studio in downtown Concord, NH, across from the State House, and the only abstract art gallery in Concord.
For more details about this group exhibition, see below.
Contact Email:
Call Title: Summer Haze, a group exhibition at Jess Barnett Art Studio, 4 Park St., Suite 216, Concord, NH
Exhibition Dates: August 6, 2021, to Friday, September 3, 2021
Reception Date and Time: Friday, August 13, 7-8:30 p.m. Event is free, and all attendees receive a small mystery piece of art.
Eligibility: New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont)
City/State: Concord, New Hampshire
Artist Reception
The reception will occur IN PERSON on Friday, August 13, 2021, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. EST. All artists are invited and strongly encouraged to attend the reception.
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