Bears vs. cookie jars, we picked a cake, new favorite radio show, new music (and music shows), and more miscellany
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

[the author in Provincetown, celebrating a friend's birthday by squinting]
Hey, y'all! So some new stuff for this week I got for ya...
First off, the cutest/saddest/most pathetic (yet adorable) thing ever: A NJ bear got so excited at the prospect of cookies that he got his head STUCK, a la WTP [Winnie the Pooh; incidentally my favorite cartoon as a kid], in an actual cookie jar this week. Fortunately for all of us, animal control officials decided not to get all Jackie Chan and kill the bear; rather they "gently" tranquilized him and pulled the jar off his head. Everybody wins!

Next on the agenda... WE PICKED A CAKE! Feast your eyes below... and hope that Cthulu comes to visit us at our holy matrimony.

Thirdly (can you tell I tend to be a type A kinda gal?), I've discovered a new favorite college radio show: Murph in the Morning on WZBC. Today's playlist included Thee Oh Sees, Potty Mouth, Tamaryn, Craft Spells, Mean Creek, and Autre Ne Veut (the last was my request; they're also playing in Boston at the ICA in a few weekends). Tune in to Murph and go see Autre Ne Veut!

Lastly, for now, I present to you another of Buzzfeed's genius less-than-three-minute videos: 13 Random Things You Shouldn't Microwave. Some things were a big surprise to me!
And that's all for now.....