IT'S MY BIRTHDAY: in which I reflect on the past and where I'm going (but not in an overly melancholy way, so no worries)
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
me and my dear friend Ann
So I've turned 34 now, and I spent Saturday afternoon/evening with some of my most dazzling friends and family and, most important, my partner-in-crime, my fiance, Chris. (We also visited Manchester-by-the-Sea the next day for several hours, stopping by the best bookstore I've discovered in ages and trucking our bags and towels up to Singing Beach [heavenly].
So first -- The Precious Present, which is pretty precious for the following reasons:
I am in a good place right now. I have a wonderful partner to whom I'm getting married in September; I have a stable, predictable job that pays well and provides health insurance; I have a rented home with a beautiful yard; I have a wonderful cat, two dogs, and two snakes; and VERY importantly, I have a family who loves me unconditionally and whom I do so in return.
But, and secondly:
I came from a worse place. I'd like to visit a few of them here (not in chrono order). Why? Because

So here goes.
Below: Me, 2006. Still unsure of my place in the world, my identity. I had to get drunk every time I got on stage to sing. Life of the party?

Below: Me, 2005. Visiting MOMA, now one of my favorite places on earth, but all of my secret cravings and mind-distractions couldn't have told me that.

Below: Me, 2008. Visiting my best friend Christina in Philly, deciding to get a new tattoo. I'd spent the entire night before awake. Was still at the very, very beginning of my journey.

More to come in a later post... but for now....

(to me)
and in one last, unrelated (but important matter) -- Burial's 2013 EP, Rival Dealer. If you haven't heard it yet, you're missing something great, on many levels. Do yourself a favor.